Be Prepared for Next Year\'s Tax Return
01 - 02 - 2017
We did it! We’ve finally hit the 31 January Self Assessment deadline! If you’re a business owner I’m sure you, like many of the Self Employed, ran around like a headless chicken trying to collect paperwork, receipts and other bits of information which need to be included in your Self Assessment. But what is the best way to ensure filing next year’s Self Assessment filing is a breeze? We have the solution!
1. Keep Spreadsheets
Keeping spreadsheets is one of the best
ways to keep track of any details of income and outgoings throughout the year.
Create month-by-month tabs on a spreadsheet in order to know where you’re up to
each month. Keep these in a folder, both on your computer and a physical
2. Retain details of all sources of income
If you have or had a PAYE job throughout
the tax year, details of these will need to be included in your Self
Assessment. These could be;
P60 received from any employment in the tax
P11D received from any employment in the tax
Bank Interest Statements;
Building Society Interest Statements;
P60 for any pension received;
Details of any pension contributions made
Any other details of sources of income
3. Keep your receipts
Keep any expenses receipts you might have,
such as any travel, meals and any personal expenditure that you incurred ‘soley,
exclusively and necessarily in the course of business’. Keep note of any
business mileage you have done, this can be from home to your client’s site or between
sites during the day. If you have attended a relevant training course and had
to drive there this can be included too. Driving to an accountancy practice can
also be included, so all the more reason to come and visit the Foremans office!
When it comes to preparing your
Self Assessment you’ll have everything you need in one place and all you’ll
need to do transfer the information onto your Tax Return and complete your tax
calculation. If you’re not the most organised person, it might be an idea to appoint
an accountant to help keep everything in one place for you and help with all of
your bookkeeping. This way you’ll save time and money when it comes to next
year. It is said that a good accountant will always save you at least as much
in taxes as you spend on their fees!
If you’d like further information email us at or call
our office on 01244 625 500