Named and Shamed : Employers who failed to pay workers National Minimum Wage
26 - 10 - 2015
113 employers have been named and shamed for failing to pay employees the National Minimum Wage.
Business Minister Nick Boles named 113 employers who had failed to pay their employees National Minimum Wage. The detailed list includes a variety of industries encompassing retail, hairdressing, social care, catering and education.
Top of the list is Monsoon Accessorize Ltd with an underpayment of £104,507 split between 1438 employees and bottom in total value terms Cribs Estates Ltd who failed to pay £104.32 to 1 employee. Click here to view the full list
The current National Minimum Wage rates are:
- Adult 21 years and over £6.70 per hour
- 18 – 20 year olds £5.30 per hour
- 16 – 17 year olds £3.87 per hour
- Apprentice rate £3.30 per hour
If you believe this may impact on
you please contact us immediately on 01244 625 500 to discuss how National
Minimum Wage affects you.