Christmas Tax Filing!
02 - 01 - 2024
To bring in the New Year here are a few 2022/23 Self Assessment Tax Filing Facts from HMRC:
- 8,876 personal tax returns were
filed on Christmas Eve;
- 4,757 individuals filed their
22/23 tax return on Christmas Day;
- 12,136 personal tax returns
were filed on Boxing Day;
- 25,769 tax returns in total
were filed over the 3 day festive period;
- Peak time for filing was
between 12:00 and 12:59 on Boxing Day when 1,121 returns were filed
Didn't feel like filing over the holidays? Don't worry there is still time before the deadline of 31 January 2024......but don't leave it too late!
Contact us on 01244 625 500 or if you need help filing your 2022/23 Self Assessment Tax Return.