P11D(b) Penalties Sent Out In Error by HMRC
08 - 10 - 2014
HMRC have incorrectly sent out penalty warning letters to some employers
penalties are for failing to submit the 2013/14 P11D(b) on time. The 2013/14
P11(D)b should have been filed by 06 July 2014.
have said that the error affects employers who have changed their trading name
recently unfortunately recently is not defined. HMRC advice is that if you
receive a penalty letter and know you have complied with the filing requirement
then ignore the letter. In reality it is probably advisable to contact HMRC to
confirm that no penalty is due.
contact Foremans LLP on 01244 625 500 if you need any help or advice regarding
P11D(b) filing deadlines and late filing penalties.