HMRC sends 167,000 RTI warning letters
10 - 09 - 2013
Around 167,000 employers who missed one or more deadlines for real time information (RTI) reporting can expect to receive a letter from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
HMRC is warning employers who have failed to follow the RTI process introduced in April to ‘act now’ and begin reporting in real time.
More than 1.6 million employer PAYE schemes, covering over 40 million individual records, are already following operating RTI.
Employers that have not reported because they no longer pay anyone, the PAYE scheme has closed or it is no longer operating are still obliged to inform HMRC by calling the Employer Helpline.
Ruth Owens, HMRC director general for personal tax, said: ‘HMRC director general for personal tax Ruth Owen said: ‘Over 85% of employers are now reporting PAYE in real time but our records show that 167,000 employers have yet to send us a PAYE submission.
‘Reporting PAYE in real time makes it easier for employers to pay HMRC the right amount and avoid late payments and penalties.
‘If agents have set up, on behalf of their clients, PAYE schemes that have never been used - or their clients' PAYE schemes have now ceased - they should call HMRC to close the scheme.’